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Each project is a program we are working toward creating for our online students. As they enroll they are provided tools to effectively cultivate oneness within a particular domain, and an opportunity to engage with a community committed to the same.


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Oneness Within Me
Individual Program


Our Oneness Within Me individual program is designed to help students cultivate oneness within themselves. What exactly does this mean?


Personal oneness constitutes the holistic integration of one’s physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects in complete wholeness. This generally manifests as an ongoing enjoyment of healthy self-love, self-acceptance, and inner peace. This correspondingly equates to an absence of internal stress, self-hatred, shame, addiction, compulsiveness, fearful self-monitoring, or reoccurring negative thought and emotional patterns. Additionally, instead of relying upon tactics of forcefulness or control to generate results, you can more easily surrender with humility, optimism, simplicity, happiness, and trust through deeply cultivated inner oneness.


Our Oneness Within personal program will offer an online on-demand video training series. Students will learn the fundamentals of an ancient Chinese self-healing mind/body practice along with its underlying wisdom. Through gently moving the body, deepening the breath, and mindfully guiding thoughts and intentions, students are able to dissolve deep-seated stress, significantly boost their immune system, and enhance overall vitality. They are also able to find healing from the effects of past trauma and resolve negative emotional patterns (anxiety, depression, etc.), and transform limiting self-beliefs into faith-filled determinations.

Oneness Within Family 
Family Program


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Oneness Within Community
Community Program


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Oneness Within Organizations
Businesses & Organization Program


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Oneness Within Society
Our Vision of a World of Oneness


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